Osmium Portfoliotheorie
Osmium for portfolio optimisation

Osmium for portfolio optimisation

By diversifying (adding) crystalline osmium to investment portfolios, volatility (risk) can be minimised while increasing returns.

Precious metals (especially osmium) as an asset class are the perfect diversification (addition) for investment portfolios.
A 0,5% to 20% addition of osmium optimises an investment portfolio (e.g. of shares and bonds), i.e. minimises the risk (volatility) and at the same time increases the return.

Your personal portfolio optimisation with crystalline osmium

Test your own portfolio or strategy using the sections below. Simply enter your portfolio type and get the corresponding curves with the addition of osmium and without the addition of osmium to view in comparison in the chart below. You can also change the amount of osmium added by changing the percentage and then having the curves displayed. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Karl Gasser at +43 676 3137750.

Portfolio optimisation with osmium 01.01.2018 - 17.02.2025

Basic portfolio:
Aktien / MSCI World Index:
Aktien / DAX:
Anleihen / REX:
Performance without osmium:+3,3% Gain
Performance with osmium:+11,9% Gain               
» 10,0% Osmium | 45,0% DAX | 45,0% REX

DAX = German Stock Index | MSCI World = World Stock Index | REX = German Bond Index | © by Osmium Institut Deutschland - Michael Karl Gasser
Risk note: All chart combinations show values from the past. Past results are no indication of future developments.

Modern portfolio theory

The Modern portfolio theory goes back to a thesis by US economist Harry M. Markowitz in 1952. His work was revolutionary at the time of its publication and he received the Nobel Prize in Economics for it in 1990.

The aim of the portfolio theory is to give instructions for the best possible combination of investment alternatives to form an optimal portfolio. (risk vs. return) In this way, the risk of a securities portfolio is to be minimised without reducing the expected return. The necessary prerequisite here is that the asset classes correlate with each other as little as possible. 

Osmium as a portfolio optimiser

According to the modern portfolio theory, for a well-diversified portfolio we need asset classes that correlate with each other as little as possible in order to minimise risk and increase return at the same time.

Since crystalline osmium correlates little with other asset classes, not only is the return increased, but at the same time the fluctuation range (volatility) is reduced and thus the overall portfolio is smoothed. This is what every investor wants: higher returns with fewer downward dips at the same time.

Precious metals as an asset class, and osmium in particular, are the perfect diversification as a tangible asset for investment portfolios.
A 0,5% to 20% addition of osmium optimises an investment portfolio of e.g. shares and bonds. This means that the volatility and thus the risk are minimised and at the same time the return is increased.


Risk note: All chart combinations show figures from the past. Past results are not indicative of future developments.
The information does not constitute an invitation, an offer or any other legal transaction, in particular a purchase. In addition to high yield opportunities, there are considerable risks associated with investing in shares, bonds and precious metals, which can lead to a total loss of the capital invested. The contents must not be interpreted as financial, legal or tax advice. The information have been prepared with the greatest possible care using sources deemed reliable. Nevertheless, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. The Osmium Institute accepts no liability for any loss or damage, including loss of profits or any other direct or consequential loss or damage, arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided on this site. Use of the information contained herein is only permitted with the written consent of the Osmium Institute.

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Osmium for portfolio optimisation